Sunday, June 13, 2010

Several Newspaper Articles This Weekend

From Diane Mastrull of the Philadelphia Inquirer, Saturday

Pa. Quietly takes back its solar-energy tax credit

"For a state that says it's trying to encourage more alternative-energy use, this is not an especially proud development. Which may explain why Pennsylvania put out no news releases and held no news conferences about it."

Dave's comment: I'm sorry to see this, but solar energy subsidies are frills that are hard to make cases for in the current state of affairs.


From Jacqueline L. Urgo of the Philadelphia Inquirer, Saturday

Historic Cape May Allows Newfangled Alteration

"Thirty-eight new solar panels are hidden from sight atop the ornate 1882 Italianate structure that houses the Mad Batter Restaurant and Carroll Villa Hotel in the historical heart of this 19th-century seaside town."

Dave's comment: Cool. I'm glad they found a way to preserve the Cape May image while making room for progressive change.


From Eileen Smith of the Courier-Post (South Jersey's biggest paper!), Sunday

Solar Energy is Hot in N.J. -- Generous rebates pay dividends for homeowners

"New Jersey has the best economics in the country for solar," said David Lloren, CEO of San Francisco-based One Block off the Grid (1BOG), a broker for residential installation services.

Dave's comment: Ha! I'm going to generate at least twelve SRECs a year, not the paltry seven estimated in this article. But even so, my estimate for payback is 3.5 - 4 years, not the optimistic 2.8 years projected here.

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