Sunday, April 26, 2009

Homes with Already-Operational Solar Electric Systems

There are some really cool people installing solar electric systems. It isn't as radical as it might seem. Here are links to the stories of two of them (hopefully they won't mind being linked up here):

The Watsons and their beautiful solar-paneled house (this website has a lot of useful links):

Another beautiful Solar-powered house, this on in Maine...

While I'm linking, here's som FAQs (and As) from General Electric:

By the way, I really need to call the guy from BP Solar and tell him that we ended up signing with another company. Every time I go to Home Depot he's there at a table handing out information so I have to sneak in through the Garden Center or contractor's entrance.

I really thought we'd end up working with them. They just wouldn't accept the idea that our New Jersey rebate was still valid and wouldn't incorporate it into any proposal.

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